Well Visit Reminders
Standard Visit Schedule
TriMed offers a standard well visit schedule based on EPDST (Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment). This standard schedule can be altered based on the needs of your practice and patients.
Customize Per Patient
Well Visit Reminders can easily be altered per patient. Not only are your patient’s needs distinctly different from one another, but so are their schedules. Alter reminders based off of patient needs, not limited to a computer algorithm.
The system uses TriMed HealthWatcher to alert users when a patient is due for a well visit. This ability can be turned on/off depending on provider preference.
Recall Reminders
The system is capable of sending recall reminders such as letters, emails and/or text messages to patients to remind them of well visits.
Age-out Capability
Experience has convinced us that the ability to age-out a patient from needing specific well visit reminders is very important. In the case of a new patient who is several years old, many systems require a user to go in and mark those visits as “complete” but TriMed does the work for you by calculating the patient’s age and recognizing that they should “age-out” of certain well visits.
Standard Orders Reminders
Easily set up standard orders reminders. This is often used for orders such as Lead and Hg.