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Appointment Reminders

Patient engagement is about more than driving patients to a Patient Portal. TriMed wants to help you engage patients in various ways and with various benefits to your practice and your patients. Appointment Reminders which are generated out of our Practice Management system is one way we do this.

Decrease No-Shows - Increase Staff Availability

One benefit of using Appointment Reminders is the ability to decrease the number of no-shows without using staff time. Often practices have to designate a staff member to call patients to remind them of an appointment. This can take a lot of time to pull off. By setting up automatic Appointment Reminders in the system you can find a better use of their time.

With the use of our products you can send

  • Email
  • Text/SMS Messages
  • and Voice Messages as appointment reminders.

No Interfaces Necessary

Unlike many software systems, TriMed does all your appointment reminders without the use of an interface. This means that we can efficiently send and receive reminders and we will immediately mark responses in the system accordingly.

Confirm vs. Cancel

Patients can confirm or cancel an appointment through any one of our reminders types. Canceled appointments are immediately removed from the schedule with no staff intervention.


Every Appointment Reminder in the system can be customized. Email, Text, and Voice messages are all customizable and will be generated to say exactly what you want it to say. Our clients report easy setup and maintenance within the application and our staff is always available to assist you with any questions you may have.

Mix & Match Reminders

You decide which Reminders go out and when. For example, you can send out an email a week before an appointment, and if you receive no response then a text message may be sent out 2 days later followed by a voicemail if still no response is given. At anytime you get a response from the patient (whether it be a confirmation or a cancellation) we will stop the other Reminders from firing.