Revenue Cycle Management

Manage Revenue like Never Before

Allow us to help you manage revenue with tools that are quick and easy to use.

Family Based

One of the unique attributes of TriMed’s Practice Management system is that a practice can be setup to cater specifically towards families. Our Family/ Guarantor based system allows staff to easily manage parent-child relationships as well as sibling relationships. This means that all patients are tied to a guarantor and therefore have a single family balance to make billing the family quick and easy.


In TriMed’s Practice Management system scheduling is customizable to your needs. With Flexible templates and separate After Hours and Weekend Schedules you get to decide how long visits are per provider. While scheduling appointments don’t forget to set up automatic SMS, Email, and or voice reminders.


Make verifying insurance eligibility easy with TriMed. Eligibility should not be a burden to your staff when a computer can do it for you. Check patient benefits real-time to get the information you need when you need it. Or check eligibility in batch to quickly narrow down the patients you need to work through. In our module you will visibly see your working list get smaller as patient’s eligibility is checked. We will also store checked eligibility so that if you need to return to it you do not need to wait for the system to recheck it.