In Depth > Revenue Cycle Management > Integrated Payment Processing

Integrated Payment Processing

One of the benefits of our system is that we have fully integrated payment processing into our products. Taking patient payments can be completely accomplished within our system. This includes allowing the system to do the work for you with our ability to auto post, freeing up your staff for other things. For pediatrics, we make posting for multiple patients in a family a breeze.

Direct Credit & Debit Card Transactions

TriMed will process credit and debit card transactions directly in the system. This eliminates staff from ever leaving the PM. We also make it easy by allowing staff to process multiple family member’s payments in a single transaction. These transactions will auto post directly to the patient account without staff intervention.

Copay at Check In

When to collect patient copay is a major decision for practices. Often practices decide to collect a copay at checkin in order to insure receiving this payment, but this often leaves a practice in a vulnerable position of having outstanding payments without charges to post them to. TriMed has a solution to this issue. When a copay is collected at checkin our system knows how to autopost to the encounter charges after the appointment has been completed. With auto posting capabilities the system does the work for you.

Securely Store Card Information

TriMed has the ability to securely store credit card information for patients. This capability is optional, but a great option to save time for staff and patients. Once a credit card is stored, you also have the ability to auto collect outstanding balances.

Auto Collect Outstanding Balances

Our Practice Management system has the ability to auto collect outstanding balances and automatically charge them to a stored patient credit card. This process begins by first verifying that insurance has been collected and then sends out an email to the patient to notify them that the payment will be withdrawn unless they take action otherwise. After a certain amount of time, the payment is automatically drafted saving patient and staff unnecessary payment interaction.

Portal and Kiosk Payments

The PM is not the only way for you to collect patient payments. As a practice, TriMed also gives you the option to collect patient payments on the Patient Portal as well as the Check-In Module. Both of these methods know how to correctly auto post to the system just like the PM. In these patient friendly modules, a family member can pay all copays in a single transaction.