In Depth > Patient Engagement > Online Bill Pay

Online Bill Pay

Pay Online

Patients can pay balances online through the Portal or the Check-In Module. These payments are made with a credit or debit card.

Family Balance

The balance shown is for the entire family. This makes it easy for families to pay an outstanding bill. Rather than paying multiple times for each individual child, a mother of three can pay off a balance in a single payment.

Post to PM

Payments are auto posted into the PM with no staff intervention. In this way, no posted payments can get lost and payments are always posted to the appropriate account. Not only that, but payments are posted to the appropriate patient account within a family. This is accomplished without a staff member making these distinctions.

Check-In Module

Patients can easily pay a balance within the Check-In Module. Patients will be presented with an outstanding balance and a copay amount and have the option to enter credit or debit card information to pay off their bill. Save your staff valuable time by allowing patients to make payments online just like they do for everyday online shopping.


Patients can also pay a copay through the Check-In Module. This can be done while checking in for an appointment at the practice or from home.

Stored Credit Card

Automatically bill a patient balance to a stored credit card. With our system, you have the ability to notify a patient that we will automatically withdraw a payment unless notified otherwise and then continue to do so. This means less hassle for your patients and the assurance of more payments for your practice.